14 Underrated Things To Keep You Occupied In A Hotel

With the borders opening up, you are soon to find yourself in a hotel room inevitably. While you are making travel arrangements after months of staying indoors, accounting downtime is a sad necessity - especially if you are traveling for work.

The brunt of travel is the uneventful interlude between your arrival and your next outing or work event. Once you reach your room and unpack, you'd want to loosen your hamstrings. But what if there isn’t much to do out there?

Don't worry, we found a bunch of things you can keep yourself occupied while you get your R&R at Hanu Reddy Residences.

● Kick-off your morning with some yoga or simply enjoy a quiet cup of filter coffee on our terrace gardens.
● Have a quick work out session at our indoor gym so you won’t feel guilty about the scrumptious breakfast you’re going to have.
● If you’re here to unwind, take a moment to enjoy the greenery from our verandahs or take a walk around the property.
● Bored of Uno? Learn Pallankuzhi, a traditional board game from South India! Ask our staff for a Pallankuzhi set and have fun.
● Write a handwritten letter back home. Your friends and family will definitely love the surprise! (Ask our receptionist for postcard collectibles.)
● Read that book. You know, the one you’ve been carrying around all summer without finishing the first chapter.
● Look up smaller attractions to add to your itinerary along the way to your destination, such as the Semmozhi Poonga. (Chatting with our receptionist will give you some insider secrets.)
● Start a digital journal and document your trip. There’s so much you can do with your phone than binge-watching and endless scrolling!
● Learn something new. Take a look at courses from Udemy or Masterclass and see if you find something that piques your interest.
● Pick up a few tamil words to help you around the city and impress the locals at the same time.
● Catch up on podcasts. It might sound dreary, but give it a shot! It’s much more entertaining and informative than you would think!
● If you're traveling alone, make a Spotify playlist for your special someone so they know you’re missing them during the trip.
● On the off chance that you’re feeling productive, fire up your laptop and get some last-minute work done.
● Still got time on your hands? Check out our other posts here to learn more about South Indian heritage.

In all honesty, traveling during COVID-19 is not advisable. But several reasons could come up that might need you to travel to other cities or even countries. Here are a few things that will help you stay safe during your trip.

If and when you find yourself in Chennai, we want you to know that we are here to make you feel at home again.

Our doors are open!


Love In The Time Of CORONA


Traveling During COVID-19: Here’s How